There may be times when church is cancelled in your area. Most often this happens as a result of inclement weather. It is important to still honor the Sabbath day and take time to remember Christ. You can create some special memories by making sure to do this in your home. Here are five ideas that you can do when church is cancelled.
1) You may consider having a family testimony meeting. You can start with an opening prayer and with a hymn. You can then have each family member take a turn bearing his testimony about the gospel. This can be a wonderful experience for everyone there. Be sure to end with a prayer as well.
2) This is a great time to get caught up with your letter writing and journals. Take time as a family to write in your journals and to write to friends and family. If the power is out you can cuddle up under blankets with candles or a big lantern to provide light. With technology taking over most forms of communication a hand written letter can be an especially nice touch, and now you have the time to do it.
3) You can have a marathon family home evening planning session. This can actually be a lot of fun. Often you will get so busy, that you may find yourself throwing together family home evening lessons at the last minute. You can assign each family member a topic to prepare a lesson on. You may give your younger children pictures to color or spend some one-on-one time helping them prepare a lesson as well. When you are done, simply file the lessons to have on hand when you are in a pinch.
4) This is a great time to brush up on your public speaking skills. You may have your children prepare a brief talk or a scripture. You can then speak briefly about the best ways to give a talk and let each of your children have a turn giving the thoughts that they have prepared.
5) If your family is musical (and even if they really aren’t) you can have gather together and sing hymns. There is no better way to feel the Spirit than through music. You may take turns singing for each other, or simply all sing together.
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