I guarantee that there will always be those people who ask for an extra break. It does not matter if you already offer discounts, coupons and bonuses to your clientele—there will be those who want a little extra and they are not afraid to ask for it. Since you are the one in charge of your own small business, you have to be prepared to make the decisions—do you give in and offer a special break? Or do you say “no”?
Most of us want and need the business and it doesn’t seem to matter what sort of business we are in—people are going to ask for special treatment, discounts and preferences. We have to weigh all of the factors in order to make the decision that is right for us and our business. So, what are those factors?
You will need to consider what a fair price is first of all. If you are already offering a fair or discounted price and then the individual is asking for more—can you afford it and will your time and effort still be worth your while? You definitely don’t want to get into a situation where you create a precarious scene for your business. You will also want to consider the customer—are they someone whose business you really need or want? Will you be able to parlay their involvement into more business for you? For example, if you give them an additional discount or treatment, will they talk you up and bring you more full paying business (you will not want to get in a situation where you are offering steep discounts to all their friends and relations.)? Finally, consider all the implications of just exactly what they are asking—if they are not asking for a price break, what DO they want? Will it help or hinder your business in both the long and short term if you grant the request? Is it fair to your other customers and clients and are they likely to find out about it?
Keep an eye on the big picture and decide whether granted special favors, requests and prices is what you want in your business and think about whether it will actually help or hinder you in the long run.
Also: Base Your Business on Offering Solutions
Coupons and Discounts as a “Thank You” to Customers