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When Did You Know He (or She) Was “The One”?

Do you believe in love at first sight? I believe in initial attraction, but I do not believe that real love can be based merely on sight. Still, there is something to be said for intuition, and sometimes, it just takes over. Did you know early on that your spouse was the person you wanted to marry? I’m not talking about infatuation but a deeper sense of connection and a feeling that he or she was the person you had been waiting for. Did you know right away that the two of you were meant to be together or did it take a long time? Maybe your spouse realized it first.

I knew my husband was different from any other man I had met before and the realization was intriguing. I began to suspect early on that he had been sent into my life for a reason, but I can’t claim that I knew instantly that I would be sharing the rest of my life with him. We started out as friends and despite the fact that I was attracted to him and intrigued by him I was relationship weary.

Still, something inside me said that I needed to get to know him better and that certainly he would be an important person in my life, even if it never went beyond friendship. Yet, before we even became romantically involved, I told a close friend that he was the man I was going to marry. Within a year, I did just that.

My friends later said that they knew he was different and that there was something special between us, although they had not said much in that regard before my declaration. My mom knew right away.

What did your friends or family members think of your spouse when the two of you were dating?

How Long Should You Wait to Be Engaged?