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When Do You Upgrade Your OS?

How often do you replace your operating system?

The more I think about it, the more this question more than likely doesn’t apply to many people. Windows operating systems usually come out every couple of years. If you purchased a computer at the beginning of one operating system, then you are more than likely going to be ready for a whole new computer by the time the next one comes around.

I have been using the same Mac G4 since 2001. In that time I think I have upgraded operating systems…3 times maybe? Each time I upgraded was not because I had some undying need for the newest OS. Mac software typically requires you have the newest OS to work, and so I was always forced to buy the new one for some reason. My latest upgrade was so I could use my new iPod Nano.

Unlike Macs, most Windows software and devices will allow you to use any operating system you might manage to have on your computer. Most of the things I’ve come across have only required Windows 95 to operate, occasionally Windows 98, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything that specifically requires the purchase of XP in order to function.

Windows Vista is coming out in the coming weeks. How many of you plan an upgrade?
If you plan on upgrading to Vista, are you going to buy a whole new computer, or just the operating system?

For those of you who are planning an upgrade, what made you decide to do it? Do you like to have the most up to date software, or do you think you will need Vista for some task or device?

I went to the Consumer Electronics Show last week and got to spend a little time hands on with Windows Vista. Look for some articles with tips and tricks for the new OS over the next few weeks.