Entitlement. It creeps up in almost every family. That feeling or thought that you have not only a right to all that you possess, but a right to more and more. Sometimes we all need a little perspective about that.
In general, my kids are pretty good when it comes to appreciating our blessings and not asking for more. But, let us face it, they are kids. It can be a little difficult to feel blessed when friends around them seem to have so much more, or when a parent, like me, complains about what we have, such as the old bedroom furniture or the fact that the Jones (not their real name) are setting off for their third fabulous vacation of the summer.
So, yes, entitlement is threatening to creep in to my own family, and we need some perspective.
This weekend, I am spending some time with my best friend from college. We are going into the city for some girl time and to explore a few sites. While we are having fun, we will probably encounter many folks who are not, such as the homeless. I hope to stop and help in a small way, but more selfishly, to gain some true perspective.
Not only that, but I plan on doing some research into opportunities in the city where my family can volunteer together. So far, I’ve already located one that I think will work.
My husband and I chatted about volunteering at a soup kitchen, just yesterday in the car, as we were on our way to enjoy an outing. My youngest child asked, innocently enough, “What is a soup kitchen?” Isn’t it a blessing that he didn’t know? It will also be a blessing when he does know, when we volunteer to serve others in need.