Do you know those times when you could just kick yourself for not saving money? A little foresight or planning and you would not have spent as much as you did or would have avoided fees or penalties? I had two of those moments this week.
Good organization and just being aware of what is going on can usually save you quite a bit of money. From reducing your need to replace something that got lost or stolen, to paying high fines for not paying bills on time, being on the ball can pay off.
So back to those two moments where I was kicking myself.
The first involves the library. My family and I have gotten so much out of the library. There are books of course, but also movies, video games and library activities. There is no doubt in my mind that we have gotten a great deal by using the library. Lately, I have been taking out DVDs for a HBO show that I missed because we don’t have premium cable channels. There are four disks in the series, and I have been requesting them one by one. Unfortunately, while the first disk could be checked out for a week, the second disk could only be checked out for three days. By not paying attention to the due date, i wound up with fees of $1 a day.
The second moment involves picking up a coupon that would have saved us $30 off of a purchase. I meant to get this coupon earlier in the week. By waiting until the last moment to get the coupon, I found out that rather than simply getting the coupon as I have done before, I would now have to send away for it. This would be too late to use it for the purchase.
Do you ever have moments like this where you are kicking yourself for bad planning or bad organization that hurts your budget?
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog, caring for little ones in the Baby Blog and now relationships in the Marriage Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here or subscribe to the blog using the subscription box on the right.
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