In my recent jealousy series I have given my thoughts and opinions about jealousy. I have listed some reasons why I feel that some people are jealous. I have even discussed why I feel that jealous to some extent is normal and okay.
In the articles listed above it may appear that jealous is a positive feeling. In this article, I will address the negative side of being jealous. While I still feel that jealousy in moderation is not harmful, when taken to extreme jealousy can have a very negative impact on a relationship.
A continuous feeling of jealousy is not normal. The feeling should only be sparked by an event. It should not be a feeling that is kept within and continues throughout the relationship.
Jealousy should not interfere with life’s events. For example, you should not prohibit your partner from carrying out daily activities due to jealousy. Jealousy should not control your partner. I have heard of some men who forbid their wives from wearing certain clothing or from going to stores because they do not want other men looking at them.
Jealousy should not be the cause of dishonesty. For example, following your spouse or ease dropping in on conversations should not happen. Your jealousy should not control your thoughts and have you constantly watching your spouse and others for wrong moves or signs of cheating.
Jealousy should not be confused for reality. Let’s face it. No matter how trust worthy you think that your partner is, you cannot be blind to actions right in front of you. If he is out with a woman every night, you have the right to question it and be concerned. Do not feel that you are just being jealous. If you feel that there is a cause for concern, you should act upon your feelings and discuss them with you mate.