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When Motherhood Feels Too Hard

Product: Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard

Author: Kelly Crawford

Format: Kindle, PDF file

Cost: $4.97

I know about the days when you want to give up. I know about feelings of helplessness as you face your failures day after day. But I also know about a resolve that can be planted in the heart of every saint to bear them up on those days and give them what they need to carry out the task to which they have been called.

That’s why I wrote this book. And because I have been there, every word pours from a knowing heart–a “comrade in the trenches”, as I have come to define it. ~ Kelly Crawford, author of Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard

Kelly Crawford, of Generation Cedar, and author of several inspirational eBooks, has just released Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard. Kelly is a wife and homeschooling mom to nine children. She is a lovely woman who seeks to equip other moms to retain the joy of motherhood. I was truly blessed by reading her book today. I did not realize how thirsty I was for encouragement until I began to drink in the pages of this book. Once I began I could not stop. I finished the book feeling refreshed, recharged, and ready to be the mom I was designed to be. My next thought was how I needed to keep the book close by for those moments when motherhood feels too hard.

“Thank you, Lord, for the incredible gift of immortal souls whom
you have given us to bring up to love You.” ~Devotions, Advice and Renewal for When Motherhood Feels too Hard, Day 2

Kelly shares how she prayed this to the Lord. I read the words slowly and purposefully. I wanted to take in each word and allow the meaning to sit with me for awhile. The value of mothering children is beyond anything material. It is beyond any job, achievement, or endeavor. It is a calling.

I will be going through the book again day by day. I will read it slowly and purposefully drinking in every wise word. I am so thankful to Kelly for sharing what the Lord has laid on her heart. This is a book for every mother because we all feel overwhelmed and exhausted sometimes.