I spent some time today reading articles from all grown up homeschoolers and what they thought of their upbringing. Some were grateful that they were homeschooled, but some would have preferred to go to public school, especially in the latter years.
It got me thinking about how I hoped my kids would look back on their homeschool experience. I don’t expect them to see the experience as perfect. After all, I am not a perfect parent, and they are not perfect children. We have struggles, especially with my kids not being in those turbulent hormonal years.
Still, my hope is that when my kids look back on homeschooling they use words like “fun”, “unique”, “enlightening”, and “enriching”. I don’t want them to remember my moodiness, or nagging, or nagging, or did I say nagging.
This just tells me that I have a bit of work to do on me. I knew this when I started homeschooling. I knew that for my kids to have the best experience as possible that a bit of introspection and self evaluation would be in order. As my kids get older and more outspoken, I am so much more painfully aware that in order to build character in them, my own character also needs a lot of work.
When my kids look back on their homeschool experience, I want them to say it was a great experience and they would not change a thing. I feel like it is my job to make that happen.
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