My little one comes bouncing up the steps with a proud and excited look holding a ceramic mug of strawberry milk. She explained that she made it herself as she presented it to me like a gift.
“MOMMY I made you pink milk!” The look on her face was priceless.
After gathering up enough courage to look into the mug I see disproportionately huge amount of strawberry powder mixed with a little bit of milk. My mind is flooded with fear of the mess waiting for me downstairs. I skillfully retain the smile on my face as I rush down the steps.
Cringing with my eyes only half open I look into my kitchen. I am met with what appears to be pink carnage all over the countertops and floor. It was as if it snowed pink in my kitchen. Apparently, Northern Spy, had left the milk and the strawberry powder milk mix out on the counter unattended. By some miracle the milk did not spill.
I announced that I needed a broom. My little one walks in the kitchen with a broom to help clean up the mess. Faced with another “grin and bear it” moment, I allow her to help sweep the floor. She sweeps the floor with such fury the pink powder fills the air. My little girl begins to laugh hysterically and announces “It’s snowing, it’s snowing!”
Finally she tires of sweeping up the “pink snow” and trades in the broom for some play doh. My oldest sees this craziness and helps me clean up the mess. My son was not asked to help as the mess was already big enough. He would never volunteer for such an assignment anyway. Yes, he can just keep throwing his football maybe one day when he’s a famous football player can hire his mommy a maid.