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When Problems Come

When problems come, as they do to all of us at some time or another, it’s a comfort to have that special one to turn to. This week I was called back after a mammogram for further X-rays and ultrasound etc and I experienced first hand the support and love of my darling husband.

As we waited for the days to pass before the tests, he sought always to encourage me. He also prayed for me and came with me when the day for the tests came. Among the women waiting only a couple had their guys with them. The rest were either on their own or accompanied by a female friend. I was thankful that Mick felt it was important enough not to hesitate about coming with me. I didn’t have to ask. He volunteered to come.

Of course he was also there to rejoice when the results came through and that was special too.

Then later that afternoon, he came in to my study bearing a vase filled with blue and pink sweet peas, one of my favorite flowers for their perfume. No, he hadn’t bought them, we have them growing because he knows I love them. Since I’d been sick with the flu all week I hadn’t been outside the door except for yesterday’s visit to the Breast Screen clinic, so I hadn’t seen them.

‘I thought you should have these in here where you can enjoy them,’ he said handing over the vase of flowers. Often it’s those sweet and unexpected little things that make me realize anew how much I love him.

Then today he’s been playing around with computer programs to design and print book launch invitations of GROW-UNDER THE SOUTHERN CROSS – an anthology of poems and stories by Australian Authors. I’d never have the skills necessary to produce a reasonable facsimile of an invitation, but he’s prepared to spend his time and talents to come up with something. That’s what love is all about- thinking about the other person’s needs and doing what you can to help.

What little thing does your spouse do that makes you love them more? What do you do to show him or her how much you love them?

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