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When Should You Leave a Church?

The other day we looked at the impossibility of finding a perfect church. In that blog and another one I suggested what to me, are the essential points to look for in a church. But when should you leave a church and move on to look for another spiritual home? It is a problem we have come up against several times in our lives.

In our home bible study group we’ve been studying John’s letters. Last week we looked at 2 John and John’s love for those who were ‘walking in truth’ verse 4, as some in the church were. However not all were.

John warned against ‘many deceivers’ who had ‘gone out into the world,’ verse 7. He clearly told how to identify these deceivers. They are ‘those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh.’ These deceivers were around then and they are around today and in our churches. Some of these deceivers are even leading churches!

Deceivers are those who try and claim Jesus was a good man but deny He is God’s Son. Or who do not believe in the virgin birth or the bodily resurrection of Jesus.

John goes on to say, ‘Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God; the one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son,’ verse 9. See also John 7:16, John 8:31, 1 John 2:23, 1 John 4:1-2.

At one stage we were going to a church. However, it became clear after a time they did not hold the Bible as God’s Word. They thought they could believe those bits that suited them and disregard what didn’t. They did not consider the miracles of Jesus or the miracles of the Old Testament, like the crossing of the Red Sea, as events that happened but called them myths or allegories. They wanted to try and explain away all the miracles. What they taught undermined the authority of God’s Word. At that point we knew we had to leave and find a church that taught the Bible as God’s Word and allowed for no compromise. And we did.

What would make you leave one church and seek another?

Bible verses from the New American Standard Version

Please visit these related blogs

Are You Looking for the Perfect Church?

Finding the Right Church – part 1

Finding the Right Church – part 2

My Favorite Things

Why Go to Church?
