Stockpiling is a good way to save money. Having things on hand that you bought on sale gives you the insurance that you won’t have to buy something at full price out of obligation because you’ve run out of the item.
Stockpiling food in a pantry can also ensure that there is always something that you can cook at home, eliminating the need to run out and buy and expensive restaurant or take out meal. But, there are some times when stockpiling just doesn’t make sense. Here is a guide that you can compare against your own stockpiling habits to see if your stockpiling just might not make sense for you.
When you have limited space
While this may seem obvious, I can’t tell you the number of times that I have seen homes where people just can’t live because of their stockpiled stuff. Toilet paper in bathtub, cans of food piled in the living room, etc. Use some creative storage if you have a small space, but don’t keep more than you have the room to store.
When it crosses over to hoarding
Having a six-month supply of shampoo might be alright if you have the space, but having a six-year supply of shampoo is a little ridiculous. If you can’t stop buying soap even though you have enough to build a shed with it, then you might have a hoarding issue.
When you don’t use the products
If you have a ton of expired goods that should be tossed or a stack of diapers when your baby is five, then it might be time to clear out an evaluate what you will use. Don’t buy another bottle of lotion until you make a decision to use or lose what you already have.
Some questions you can ask yourself:
Is the stockpile costing you money (expired products, extra storage space)
Is the stockpile negatively affecting your quality of living?
Are you currently using the product?
Are your items growing because the deals come back around before you use your stockpile?
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog, caring for little ones in the Baby Blog and now relationships in the Marriage Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here or subscribe to the blog using the subscription box on the right.
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Five Reasons to Stockpile Food
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