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When the Flu Hits the Homeschool House

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I sit here listening to one of my kids cough in his sleep after putting two kids to bed with fevers.  The flu bug hit our home and plans to stay a bit.  I am not looking forward to the next few days. The timing could not be worse. As if anyone has time for the flu, right? However, we are just coming off a long holiday break. We did not start back up this past week because my husband was on vacation. I planned ahead for this long winter’s nap but I did not plan on a visit from the flu bug. So now what? Another week off school?

The reason you do not send a sick child to school is to keep from spreading illness. Since you don’t have that concern, you can continue to do school during illness. However, if a child is miserable then school will simply have to wait. In my house, I have children in varying degrees if misery so we will do varying degrees school. One child may have a fever but it isn’t slowing her down while two others are hardly able to concentrate. But not all is lost if the need is to keep on track. Here are a few ways to keep school going during illness.

  • Watch documentaries that pertain to the subject matter you are studying.
  • Read books together on the couch as you sip tea and cuddle under blankets.
  • Play simple board games to keep entertained while still learning.
  • Draw together.  Perhaps you can draw a picture of a scene of the book you are reading or something from your history studies.

The best thing is to rest.  It is better to take a few days off then struggle through several days of trying to teach a child in a fog.