No one promised that life was going to be a walk in the park, but for many single parents, I think we did not expect it would get as rough as it sometimes does! Continuing to push and plod when the odds seemed stacked against you can take a great deal of fortitude and strong dose of determination. Are there any tricks to keep going when the odds seem stacked against you?
Sometimes when the odds are stacked against you—it is for a good reason. It may be that you are not in a place where it is time to move forward or you may not have the skills or resources necessary. The first step is to look honestly at your situation and see if there is anything you can do to level out the playing field. For example, if you are faced with needing to get a promotion or do something different at work but you just don’t have the experience or the leverage. The odds may seem stacked against you but there are things you can do to level things out—take a class or get out and network more. You may need to go back to school for additional training or a degree. Once you do this, you will be in a much better position to negotiate.
Other times, it may be just a matter of timing. Adjust your expectations about how much time it will take to get where you are going and it might not feel so daunting. You may want things to change RIGHT NOW but that just is not possible. It feels like everything is stacked against you when if you will just wait a few months or a year, it will go much easier.
Finally, a change in attitude or perspective can also affect how you feel when you seem to be climbing uphill carrying a big rock. Are you expecting something that is unreasonable or are you expecting too much from yourself? How can you adjust your expectations to better fit the circumstance?
See Also: Getting Things Going Again After a Stall
Sometimes the Best Things Happen when You’re Not Even Looking