When you are on vacation, it is pretty easy to splurge on just about everything. After all, you are on holiday, right? But if you are frugal minded, you can save quite a bit of money while still having the best time of your life. There are certain things that are worth spending money on and other things that are rip offs. Here is my advice on where to spend your money when you are on vacation.
You can spend your money to upgrade your attraction package. Spend the money on passes that allow for all-day free rides, for example, so you can get the most out of your visit. I tend to want to spend money on things that we may not get an opportunity to do again or things that might cost less in the long run (for example, adding up the cost of individual rides).
Save your money by not shopping the expensive attraction food and drinks or convenience store snacks. You won’t enjoy it all of that much, and the prices are really inflated. Bring lunch whenever you can, eat a simple breakfast in your hotel room and brings some snacks and bottled water with you.
Splurge on one good signature meal. This can be a real experience if you are traveling far. I still remember this amazing salad I had at Disney World years ago. Choose your restaurant experience carefully. Another way to go is to sample appetizers or deserts from several nice restaurants, saving the main meals for more ordinary places, allowing you to try a few different experiences for the same cost.
Don’t spend money on the ATM fees, you’ll get nothing in return. Instead, carry cash or travelers checks, or use credit cards as needed. You also don’t want to spend any of your vacation time hunting down ATM machines.
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