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When You Disagree with the Hospital

Last week and into this one, I shared our personal story of how we felt coerced into staying in the hospital with our 3rd daughter, Meghan. To read that story you can check it out here (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3). I shared the story because I think a lot of moms feel sabotaged in their breastfeeding efforts by nurses during their hospital stay immediately following the birth of their baby. I think sometimes, parents disagree with the hospital staff but are either too tired to fight or don’t feel like they have any rights. However, as parents, you do have the right to make informed decisions about your newborn’s care. Here are a few recourses you have when you disagree with the hospital staff.

Be Firm but Polite Over and Over Again

Depending on what the disagreement is, simply stating what you’d like to see happen is often enough to persuade the medical staff to see to your wishes. Just because they are used to doing something a certain way, doesn’t mean that they have to. Also, nurses on a maternity ward are often busy people. It is acceptable to go to the desk and make repeated and polite requests, get up and go to the nursery or otherwise make your issues known. It is not okay to yell, or create drama. In my opinion, that energy can be so much better spent on letting your body recover.


Nurses follow doctors’ orders. If you have an issue with the medical treatment, take it up with the doctor. If you still have a disagreement with the medical treatment being given, ask to speak to the head of the department.

Patients’ Advocates

These are people on the hospital staff whose job it is to solve problems that the patients have. You can ask to see one at anytime.

Write a Letter

Birthing is a business. If the hospital knows that you weren’t happy with the experience, they take the letter very seriously. By writing a letter, we were not only able to establish better practices at the hospital for other mothers who gave birth there, the hospital also started a breastfeeding education seminar for parents and nurses. The bottom line is that the hospital really wants you to be a happy customer within reason.

I hope no one has to go through what we went through. However, having a plan, clearly stating your wishes, and advocating for yourself helps if there is a disagreement. By law, a patient has the right to deny any medical treatment for themselves or their child.