I wrote a few days ago about when it is necessary to just push through and finish a project and when it might be best to ease up. I was talking with a friend recently and he pointed out that we really need to listen to what our bodies and brains are telling us about being overstressed and overwhelmed—even in the business world. He shared his theory that when you really feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable—in your stomach, shoulders, etc., it really is time to take a break and let go for awhile in order to stay healthy and gain perspective.
Pushing past that place where our bodies and brains tell us we’re maxed can cause all sorts of trouble—first, we won’t be making good, sound decisions for our businesses if we are beyond stressed. Secondly, you might remember a time when you just couldn’t make something happen when you were trying to force it, but when you let up and walked away, coming back later at a different time, things worked fine? Sometimes the timing is off and no amount of pushing and shoving on our part is going to make something happen.
There is definitely something to be said for intuition and listening to what our wise inner self is trying to tell us. Sure, a certain amount of stress and discomfort might be expected in a home based business—especially in the early months. Still, it shouldn’t be so stressful and so hard that we exist in a permanent overwhelmed state. Take a break, let go of the reigns a little and do something else. Trust what your body is trying to tell you and focus on feeling good and letting go of the overwhelming stress. Chances are, you’ll return to the problem with a fresh perspective and just sail on through.
Also: Plow Through or Ease Up?