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When Your KIDS Think You Should “Find Someone”

My kids have been generally supportive of my sad attempts at dating. As a matter of fact, they have been rather patient with the whole process as I know it isn’t always thrilling to have an unattached parent. I have made a few questionable choices over the years which has led me to just call the whole dating thing off—I figure if it hasn’t happened by now, chances are the whole love and partner thing ain’t-a-coming; besides there is so much other stuff to do. My kids, however, are thinking it’s about time that their solo mom “found someone.”

I’m sure it is partially due to the fact that my children are nearly grown—we are all starting to prepare ourselves for the fact that in a couple years, if all goes well, they will all three be launched and I’ve heard my kids discussing amongst themselves regarding what will “mom do” when she no longer has a houseful to manage and cluck over. Of course, despite their advancing age, they do still think that my life revolves around them and I exist only to mother. So, they are starting to think that it’s time I got serious about finding someone. A strange twist of events, if I do say so myself!

It’s not like I haven’t made some attempt and they have had a front row seat to my bumbles and fumbles—they’ve watched as I’ve fallen for inappropriate ones, been stood-up, had to get rid of a stalker or two, and they do remember the ickiness of the “divorce” too—but they are still convinced that there is someone out there who would find me (and my three nearly-grown teenagers) a catch, whereas I’ve long since given up on that fantasy. One of my high school daughters even went so far as to try some novice attempts at fixing me up with one of her teachers. I got a big chuckle out of that one.

While they’re concerns are sweet and, I admit, a bit surprising, I do hope they tire of the project soon and focus on their own lives. Mom will be just fine and she has plenty to keep her busy and content—besides, I have a sneaking suspicion that it isn’t going to be a “clean launch” getting all these chicks to fly the nest anyway.

Also: Where Does “Social Life” Fit in Your Priorities?

If I’m Not Partnered, Why Don’t I Feel Single?

Single Parenting and Intimacy