As a freelance writer, I live in fear of writer’s block. Okay, maybe that is a little dramatic and drastic, but I do know that if I suddenly came up “blocked” and couldn’t think of ideas, angles, or words to put on a page—I would potentially be in trouble. Sometimes it is this very fear or worry that can send a person into a place where she feels stuck or blocked.
I don’t think that “blocks” are the sole problem of writers—any of us who work creatively can have trouble with feeling stuck and all of us home business owners wrestle with staying focused and motivated. But, what can be done when we actually do slip into one of those places where we’re feeling stuck—not knowing how to get things started, not even really WANTING to get things started? Lack of motivation and creative juices can be a tough place for any business owner to find himself in!
Here’s what I do for writer’s block—I write letters. Even if I don’t intend to send the letters (although I often do), I take the time to sit down and write to people I haven’t written to in a while. Just the act of putting pen to paper or sitting down at my computer and having a clear audience in mind, has a tendency to free me up so that I can start writing again. As for other businesses, the standard advice seems to fall into two camps: there is the “do something different” camp and the “just do something” camp. In the first, the idea is that by getting out and doing something different, just taking a break and getting out and about will free up one’s perspective and help to get things jump-started again. The “just do something” camp promotes just trying to plow through until things start to flow again. I admit that I have used this approach when I haven’t felt like getting up or getting to work at my desk. I tell myself that I only have to take it one hour at a time (and not commit to an entire day or week) and just get started. Often, once I get started, the rest seems to take care of itself.
I think that our “blocks” are telling us something. It is often just what we need to get us thinking differently or steering our businesses in a different direction. Feeling stuck can let us know that we are not using our creativity well or that we are just going through the motions and haven’t added any spice or zest to our business operations in a while. I believe we need to listen and heed those blocks and stuck times so that we can re-energize and rejuvenate ourselves and our businesses.