It is one thing to have personal plans and business plans and budgets that you have worked out to guide your business, is quite another thing to have a personal belief system that supports your work. Your belief system can either help or hurt your efforts to grow and develop your home-based business. What is going on in your mind and emotions when you sit down to work really does make a difference.
I truly think that we can do all the right things in terms of paperwork and planning and still sabotage our businesses with our thinking patterns and belief systems. If deep down, you do not believe that you deserve success or that you will be able to make it work–no amount of task lists and spread sheets will make things go the way you would like them to. I do believe that we need to get our heart and soul and belief systems behind our business efforts–if not just for our businesses, then for our own personal growth and self-esteem too. It is not enough to just go through the motions, we need to get our emotions and mental commitment behind our businesses and keep them there–even when the times get tough.
Of course, it might take some self-assessment and digging down to see if you are actually creating blocks to your business success with your personal belief systems. Do you think that you do not know enough? Or do you assume that you do not have the qualities or skills necessary to make a business fly? Do you expect that you will eventually fail or do you listen to the nay-sayers who question a the viability of home-businesses? Getting your belief system wrapped around your business efforts can make a big difference in where you are going. Attitude can make all the difference in the world!
Also: Money Belief Systems Affect Our Businesses
Allowing Yourself to Think Big