Marriage is a big commitment and many people seek advice before they make the decision or before they walk down the aisle. This can be a wise decision or it can scare a person out of marriage! Some people really do think that there is nothing to marriage when in fact it requires a great deal of patience and effort. A marriage just does not work on its own, both people need to want it to work and make it work.
You can find great marriage advice anywhere! The best and most reliable place to find marriage advice is from people who are happily and long term married. It is a great idea to talk to a couple who has been married for many years and just ask them how they do it. There is a secret to marriage and that is love, honesty, and trust. Don’t forget respect. There are many couples out there who have been married for over 50years and this is quite an accomplishment. Marriage takes a great deal of work and anyone who can make a marriage last that long and still want to be together knows what they are doing.
These are the people that you want to get advice from! This is one of the best places to get advice because of the great stories old married couples tell. If nothing else, I’ll bet it makes the two of you want to be married that long, and besides, it’s fun to listen to.
Another good choice to get advice would be from your religious leader or a marriage counselor. Either of these professionals has experience dealing with marriage and married couples and knows what works and what doesn’t. Take all the advice that you can get. A marriage preparation course is also a great idea to take part in before you are married. This type of course will show you the things that you did not know about marriage and make you open your eyes to what a marriage is really like, it is not like TV or the movies it is something that is real. Marriage is something that has been idealized via the media that some people do not have a clue as to what a real marriage is like. These preparation courses can show you what to expect and give you great advice dealing with how to handle situations that more than likely will arise and the routes that you may want to take with your marriage.
Above all, consider the source. You don’t want marriage advice from your bitter co worker who has been divorce three times, or the hair stylist who is sure all men are pigs and out to get you. Nor do you want advice from the media or tabloids. Pragmatic and realistic advice from someone who has been there with their mate through the good times and the bad is your best bet.
Take advantage of people who can give you great advice and use it with your own marriage.