Every once in a while a friend or family member will ask me which of my three children do I think is most like me? It is always a tough question and I probably answer it differently every time. While all three of my kids have little snippets of their personalities that are similar to me, they are also very much their own people and they have been through so many different phases and stages that it is hard to pin down. The one who I thought was most like me ten years ago, is not necessarily the one who seems the most like me now…
As I mentioned, I can see parts of me in all three of my children—one of them has my sense of humor, another has a communication similar to mine, and yet another has an appreciation for order and cleanliness that is cousin to mom’s—but they are such interesting mixes of other things too. Plus, I am never sure if when people ask me which child is most like me they really want me to claim a favorite which I just can’t do. I really am one of those parents who has three favorite children—they are all so amazing, unique and fun—and all they all torture me about the same amount, so how could I possibly pick a favorite?
I suppose if I were to honestly answer the question when it is asked, I think they are all three equally UNLIKE me—really. And the older they get, the more unique and different from me and anyone else in the families I see that they are. Sure, they will carry a little bit of me into posterity (as well as some of their dad as well) but mostly, they are not like me at all.
Also: Why Does it Work with One Child and Not the Other?
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