I believe there are three different types of housekeepers. The first type’s house is in complete disarray. You walk in and you don’t know where to step. Nothing can ever be found and you don’t know if the clothing on the table is clean or dirty.
The second type of housekeeper is the one whose house is neat as a pin. Everything looks pristine and clean. You can find exactly what you need. Even the spices in the kitchen cabinet are arranged alphabetically.
Then there is the third type of housekeeper. When you walk into this person’s house it has a livable feel to it. Things look to be clean and in order. You have a real sense of comfort. Yet if you were to open the front closet, you would find a mess.
Which type are you?
Well this blog (and the ones that will follow) is for those who are the third type, the housekeeper that keeps the obvious looking clean and neat but hides messes in those unseen areas. And let me confess to you right now…that is me.
In a sense I feel good about the fact that you can walk into my home and believe it is all perfectly in order. You won’t find things strewn across my floor. You won’t see dust collecting on my furniture. But just don’t go near that drawer or closet!
I guess I put more energy into appearances than anything else. My kids don’t have to complain that they can’t find a spot to sit to watch television but they sure do complain when they can’t find a band-aid in our messy linen closet.
A couple of days ago I opened that linen closet and felt discouraged. Why can’t I keep order of those things that are unseen? It seemed to me that there are too many drawers, cabinets and closets to tackle…it feels too overwhelming. So I shut the door. I closed off yet again what I don’t want to face.
However this morning I have decided that I am going to tackle those hidden areas once-and-for-all. Along the way, I hope to be able to share some helpful tips with you. Think of it is a journey we will take together. I invite you to do the same in your home.
Are you ready?
Related Articles:
Thinking Positive Thoughts about Housekeeping
When Everything Is In Disarray
A-Tisket A-Tasket, a Green and Yellow Basket
Photo by Crystl in Flickr