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Whining: How to put an end to it.

Preschoolers get frustrated easily. They are making the transition from toddler to big kid and that can be hard to do. So many changes from sleeping in a big kid bed to going to school. They are expected to have a certain sense of maturity that they may not understand or feel ready for. When the pressure gets to be too much they begin to whine. Sometimes you have no idea when the pressure is building so one day they may handle you saying no with grace while the next day tears may flow. You must always be understanding yet make it clear that whining is unacceptable. Never give in to whining or it will be by default encouraged.

Solutions to Whining:

Don’t Listen to It: If you child begins to whine let her know that you cannot listen to whining. Anything asked or stated in a whiny voice will be ignored. You must preface this by stating you will not listen as ignoring will only increase frustration and is quite simply rude. The idea is to not respond to the specific whining request. As always stay calm as you are training up this child and should expect a little whine every now and then.

Whisper: Whisper back your answer. You may have to repeat a few times but this throws the child off guard a bit and stops the whining.

The Whining Place: You can send your child to his room, the corner, the stairs or wherever to get the whining out before coming back and talking to you.

Pay to Whine: Set up a whining jar and have your child deposit a penny each time they whine.

Whatever your method, you must remain calm and consistent. Again, never give in to a whine and avoid losing your temper.

The Defiant Tantrum

Bedtime Tips

Bed Wetting

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About Richele McFarlin

Richele is a Christian homeschooling mom to four children, writer and business owner. Her collegiate background is in educational psychology. Although it never prepared her for playing Candyland, grading science, chasing a toddler, doing laundry and making dinner at the same time.