Starting a home business or “going solo” as an entrepreneur requires a shift in thinking. Most of us are conditioned to think of work as something we do for someone else in order to get money. Our motivation comes in terms of compensation. When we go to job interviews or sit through those painful “evaluations” with someone from Human Resources, we are expected to talk about what skills and talents we bring to the table for the better of the company. Working in a home based business requires that we learn how to take ownership of our skills and talents and remind ourselves who those gifts actually belong to.
It may seem elementary– “Of course my typing skills, sales skills, and friendly disposition are mine!” But selling our skills to the highest bidder can train us to think of these as traits we “turn on” when we get to work and not necessarily skills, talents and personality traits that are inherent in who we are. Worse yet, we may get hung up on old job titles left over from our traditional work life and not realize what sort of skills and talents we actually have to bring to our home business: “Well, I’ve never actually BEEN a salesperson” may keep us from realizing all the talents we have that relate to sales–good communication and conversation skills, good memory and eye for details, ability to cooperate and compromise, etc.
Taking ownership of all your skills and talents can be an incredibly empowering step in taking full control of your home business. Not only is this good business, but it is also healthy for your self-esteem as well. After all, you may be the only “human capital” your business has to start with and you need to take advantage of everything you’ve got to bring to the table!
Also: Imitation–Friend or Foe?
Does Your Business Self-Esteem Need a Boost?