How often have you said, “I don’t have time to exercise”? Well the truth is…we have lots of time. It really all comes down to what we do with it.
Think about this…we have 10,080 minutes in a week, which equates to 168 hours each week. That is a lot of minutes and hours.
Yet we tend to fill it with important and not so important stuff. We fill our time with necessary and unnecessary things.
At some point we have to make some hard decisions. What things can go so that we can focus on our health?
How much time is wasted? Watching television, on the computer, or any other activity that tends to suck away those minutes?
Is our health worth getting up a little earlier? Or skipping an afternoon soap opera?
Now granted, there are some people who truly do live extraordinarily busy lives. But even if that is the case, taking just 10 minutes a day for a brisk walk is better than nothing.
The reality however, is that most of us has the time to exercise. It’s just that we choose not to. We choose to do something else instead.
If you don’t believe me, then I have a challenge for you. Track your time for an entire week. Don’t just do it for one day because that can’t provide a realistic feel for how you typically spend your time.
Write down what you did from a certain time to another. For instance, woke up at 6 a.m. Watched the news and drank coffee until 6:30 a.m., took a shower from…you get the idea.
This requires a lot of effort but I guarantee you that in the end you will be glad you did it. You will get a very good idea of just where your time is being spent and if it’s been productive or wasted.
Then I bet you won’t you say that you don’t have time for exercise.
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No Time to Exercise or Just an Excuse?
Photo by remind in stock.xchng