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Who Is Harry Wong?

There are many popular names in education. There are people who are known to be experts when it comes to classroom management and teaching children. However, very few of the names are as well known as that of Harry Wong.

Harry Wong and his wife Rosemary are both teachers. Harry Wong has taught both middle school and high school science. He has received the Outstanding Secondary Teacher Award, the Science Teacher Achievement Recognition Award, the Outstanding Biology Teacher Award, and the Valley Forge Teacher’s Medal. Therefore his awards alone make him stand out among the best of teachers.

Harry Wong is one of the most admired educational speakers. His calendar stays booked for two years at a time to speak with new and veteran educators. Teachers like his strategies because they are practical, full of common sense, and come with no price tag.

Harry Wong and his wife have created a publications company and they have written several books on how to be an effective teacher. They have also begun writing a column for Teachers. Net.

To make it easier for teachers to gain access to his ideas, Harry Wong has created a series of videos and audiotapes. The goal of the Wongs’ is to give teachers the ideas and materials that they need to create responsible learning. They offer routines and procedures for success. Both new and veteran teachers can use the ideas.

I have had the honor of hearing Harry Wong speak in person. I have also watched some of his videos. I own one of his books. I agree that Harry Wong is popular among teachers because he is practical. After listening to Harry speak, teachers feel that they have gained useable knowledge. Many speakers offer idealistic information or expensive materials. Harry does neither. As with most speakers, there are ideas that you can use and those that you dismiss. However I have found that with Harry, there are fewer of the latter.

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