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Who Is Justin Bieber and What Has He Done With My Daughter?

I have only one daughter who is just about to turn 13-years-old. My youngest son is about to turn 11 and my oldest son will be 16-years-old. So far the teen years have been fairly easy with my teenage son, nothing I can’t handle. When he developed his first interest in a girl I thought it was cute. I thought it would help prepare me for my daughter’s first interests in boys but it didn’t. There is just something about girls that raises your alert level a bit higher.

While girls in her middle school had already begun “going out,” she had no interest. She was more concerned with having fun, studying and hanging out with her friends. I was really enjoying this.

Then one day this boy came along. His name is Justin Bieber. He is this teen sensation that has apparently struck the hearts of many girls. Never once did my daughter express an interest in a boy or even think a boy was remotely good looking until one of her friends “introduced” her to Justin Bieber.

It started off with just hearing her mention his name, how she liked his music. Then she started looking for him on You Tube. I wanted to see what this kid looked like because she was talking about him more and more. I had to admit, if I were her age I would think he was cute too. Darn. There went the girl who had kept her focus only on friends and books. But I figured it would be a passing phase.

Well not quite. The next thing was asking me to take her to the store so she could buy his CD. So I did. She was quite ecstatic to discover that the CD came with a poster. There went her first poster of a male up on her wall. I almost sneered at him every time I walked into her room. Who was he to sit up there like that and awaken things within my daughter that I wasn’t ready for? What had he done to my daughter who now only talked about Justin Bieber that and Justin Bieber this. Not only that but she kept playing his music over and over again.

Then one day I remembered something. My mom probably asked the same question I was now asking, “Who is Shaun Cassidy and what has he done with my daughter?” Yes, that’s right. My first poster was during middle school and I put it right above my bed. I clearly recalled Shaun Cassidy’s song “Da Doo Ron Ron” playing over and over again on my record player.

With that memory I had to laugh. Just as Shaun Cassidy had awakened something in me, I guess it was Justin Bieber’s job to awaken something in my daughter. The time has to eventually come and I guess if it’s going to be someone, it might as well be a cute 15-year-old from Canada.

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About Stephanie Romero

Stephanie Romero is a professional blogger for Families and full-time web content writer. She is the author and instructor of an online course, "Recovery from Abuse," which is currently being used in a prison as part of a character-based program. She has been married to her husband Dan for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage children who live at home and one who is serving in the Air Force.