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Who Is My Audience? (Part I) The Obligatory, Inevitable Blog About the Blog

It’s only a matter of time, right? Am I the first to write a blog about this place, and the process of blogging here at families.com? Well, in any event, I have many thoughts about this issue of my audience, and while people have left me comments and I am getting read fairly well, I am wondering about my blog and the function it serves here.

A casual look at most of the other blogs will show you that the writers here want to inform the audience and be a resource for one another. There’s a lot of “how to” type of posts at this site. People are writing from their experiences – personal and/or professional – or they are doing some research and offering information based on what they have found. Lots of advice abounds here, and I am very interested in learning what I can, where I think I can use the information. Some of it’s quite important, some of it should be important to me but still is not, and some of it remains a bit of a mystery. That’s fine.

I don’t have a lot of posts like that. I have given out some advice, and I do share my experiences. Mostly what I do, I think, is write editorials (I also occasionally sneak into the pop culture blog and toss a few moderately witty review-grenades like my recent one about, speaking of grenades, The A-Team, with permission of the chief bloggers there). I’ve never really written such pieces for publication, though I have always held opinions and offered them to whomever wanted them and of course to my students, who had little choice but to listen, since I held the grade book. I do give small insights into my life, my family, my beliefs and values, but that’s not the same as giving advice. I don’t know if this makes me a great resource or not. I do offer some ideas and advice in the forums – thank you Lisa for gently reminding me — but again it’s largely about my experiences, which may or may not be useful to others. Of course, maybe that’s typical of guys – questionably useful!

I could write posts that give advice, but I don’t see the point – why write a daily advice-to-dads blog when most of the audience are not dads? I might give some pointers here and there, but for me, it’s more about sharing my thoughts, my ideas, and hoping they resonate for you, give you a new way of seeing things, especially since most of you are not fathers.

I’m not as funny as Dave Barry, though I wish I were (my last post about feeling like “Bobo the Sperm Guy” was meant to be funny). I don’t think I take as much time to write columns as those Op-Ed writers for the Times do (though some days I wonder). I don’t always follow my own advice to my students – I often improvise like a jazz musician, writing one idea, then suddenly shifting to another idea. (I am so lucky I live in the Age of Computers, which allow me to have several “sheets” of idea “paper” all at my fingertips!) So that’s why we end up with pointless, rambling self-conscious posts like this one. I guess I have to ask the pathetic, incredibly self-conscious, and not-quite-rhetorical question: what function does a blog like this one, more about perspective than advice, serve in a site like this?

Stay tuned for more self-conscious ramblings…

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About T.B. White

lives in the New York City area with his wife and two daughters, 6 and 3. He is a college professor who has written essays about Media and the O.J. Simpson case, Woody Allen, and other areas of popular culture. He brings a unique perspective about parenting to families.com as the "fathers" blogger. Calling himself "Working Dad" is his way of turning a common phrase on its head. Most dads work, of course, but like many working moms, he finds himself constantly balancing his career and his family, oftentimes doing both on his couch.