Children’s ministry – is it the responsibility of the church or the parents? When we consult God’s word on the matter, parents are told to ‘train up a child in the way he should go’ Proverbs 22:6.
The Israelites were told to teach their children about God and His laws. ‘You shall teach them to your sons, talking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up,’ Deuteronomy 11:19 NASB. Surely this command applies equally to God’s people today. In other words every part of our daily lives presents an opportunity for Christians to make sure God is central to our everyday lives and that we teach our children of the Lord.
My children are grown now, but when they were younger we had a daily time of prayer and bible study with them, often around the dinner table or at breakfast. No, it wasn’t always easy to fit into busy lifestyles but time can be made for anything important, which is what we considered this to be. Likewise, if we went for a walk or to the beach or on a picnic, we admired the beauty of creation that God had made and thanked God for it. We always tried to make sure God was part of our everyday conversations. This didn’t change when friends came around either.
Although our family is now grown, the situation hasn’t changed. The other night my husband and I had a lively discussion over dinner and at the table with the grandchildren about faith, prayer and God’s Word. The grandchildren saw nothing unusual in this, as God is part of their everyday lives. They are used to talking about God at breakfast time, of thanking Him at dinner time or when they go to the zoo or on a picnic. God is part of their lives. What are you doing to teach your children of God?
Would you agree that too often it seems parents are abdicating this responsibility and leaving it instead to the church? And if the teaching of children and ministry of children is the responsibility of parents, then what is the church’s role? If the church is to work hand in hand, alongside parents to encourage and support parents in their God given role, what are some ways we could do this? These are not rhetorical questions. I would love to hear feedback on this.
Similarly if teaching children about God etc is the responsibility of parents and the church’s role is to support them in that, then what about children who have non- Christian parents but come along to kids clubs and Sunday school programs? Is the church’s role any different in this situation? If so, how?
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