According to a study done on belly fat, whole grains were given a thumbs-up. A Penn State University professor concluded that if you eat a diet that is plentiful in whole grains along with several servings of fruits and vegetables, lean meat and low-fat dairy you would lose belly fat. He further discussed how this diet would change the glucose and insulin responses. Doing this will make fat stores less difficult to mobilize.
The visceral fat, the fat that lies directly around your organs, apparently is much less difficult to lose than is subcutaneous fat. If eating a diet of totally whole grains is not feasible for you than try to boost your fiber intake as suggested by the Penn State professor.
Having a trim waistline is more important than being trim elsewhere on the body, as stated by the professionals. This is because belly fat is connected with a greater risk of having medical problems, such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, inflammation, heart disease, hardening of the arteries and other illnesses.
Measuring your waist will give you a good rule of thumb to go by. In men the waist over 40 inches is in the danger category for health problems. In women, this number cannot exceed 35 inches to be without risk.
To be healthier and lose your belly weight you should exercise daily and count your calories. Consult your physician for the appropriate caloric intake for your frame, height and age to facilitate weight loss.
The sooner that you take control of your weight and possible danger zone for belly fat, the better. It may be a matter of losing just ten pounds or so to get your belly fat under control. For the person who has more to lose than that, take heart and be patient. Stick to your diet, concentrate on your weight loss goals and try to see off into the distance at a new and healthier you without your protruding midsection.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, media and health.