Ladies, take the day off. This the one day a year when we have an actual holiday that allows us to get out of the kitchen.
Every year, the first Thursday of November is National Men Make Dinner Day. I didn’t even know this existed! Had I known this when I was married I would have taken a well deserved break every November.
Just to clarify, I know there are men out there who cook often, this day isn’t for them, this day is for the man who never cooks, the one who doesn’t even know where you keep the stove. They even have a website, hop over and read it, it’s very funny.
First there are the rules, these include being completely unaided, from deciding what to have for dinner, shopping for it and cleaning up afterwards. There is also a recipe list if your husband is at a loss as to what to fix for dinner. Setting the table is one of the steps, imagine, sitting down to eat food you didn’t cook at a table you didn’t set, and you don’t have to pay for it!
Then there is a list of no nos, these are things that should not be included in dinner, they include chewing gum and sandwiches from the office vending machine. Also, leftovers and take out pizza are out, as is barbequing, we all know men are in their element when they barbeque but this puts them in our element.
I think this is a great idea, even if it’s just for laughs, everyone should take their turn in the kitchen. If you are single, get your sons in there and teach them how to cook a meal, when they are starving college students they will be glad that they can show off their cooking skills to the girls. Ladies, get your men in the kitchen, you never know, they might find that they like it and you will get even more kitchen free days!
Now as long as they don’t come up with National Women Change the Oil day I’ll be fine!