I’m sure I’m not just talking about something peculiar to me here, when I say sometimes in marriage you know that what you’re doing is wrong and yet you go ahead and do it anyway. That’s what I did last night.
I’d wanted to tell Mick about something I’ve been involved in that’s been taking up a lot of my time lately. But why did I pick when we watching the football to start telling him about it? Good question.
Needless to say, his attention was taken by what was happening on the screen. The result was I didn’t get the reaction I’d hoped for. Whose fault is that? Mine. For not picking the time wisely.
It’s a reminder to us all in marriage. We need to choose our times, to share information or want to have deep and meaningful conversations, wisely.
Recently a man I know was talking about the difference between men and women in the way their brains work. He then went on to give with a complicated explanation as to how our brains function differently to men’s brains. I’m not going to try and explain it, as I’m not sure I understood it all. It was a lot about left brain and right brain functions. However his conclusion was that this different wiring of the brain is why women are able to multitask better than men.
Given that I’d heard this only days before and, in general, think it is pretty true, why then did I choose that time when Mick and I were watching the football to try and engage him in conversation about something that was important to me? I’ve only got myself to blame if I didn’t get the support and encouragement I wanted.
It just goes to show that knowing about something and doing it in marriage, do not always necessarily follow on from each other and that even someone who’s been married a long time still doesn’t always get it right.
Hopefully next time I get that inner sense telling me ‘this is not the time’ I’ll take note. I hope too that me sharing this experience will stop you from doing the same thing and learn to choose your times wisely, which means not when your spouse is preoccupied with some other activity.
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