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Whose Dreams is Your Business Fulfilling?

I usually assume that those of you who are operating your home businesses are doing so because you want to. Since my home business work is a fulfillment-in-process of my own personal dreams, I tend to project and assume that is how it is for every one. I realize, however, that is not necessarily the case. Some of you might have started a home business by default or under pressure from someone else. Can you still stay motivated and get excited about a home business endeavor if it isn’t your passion? Can you find ways to make your dreams come true and operate your home business as well?

The fact is, things in life are seldom perfect. We can love parts of our work and our lives and not be too keen on other parts. When it comes to a home business, however, I do think it helps if it is your idea and something that you are interested in and passionate about. I also accept and realize that is not always possible. Some people start home businesses for the exact same reasons we take more traditional jobs–we need to bring in revenue and support our families. We might have small children at home or an older relative to care for and still need to work. The business can be a way of working and being home at the same time. We might also inherit a family business or end up partnering with someone else in their business. It is not always about living out our dreams and passions. I don’t think this means we can’t find joy and passion in the endeavor, however. There might be ways to bring our dreams and passions into something that might not be ideal.

Maybe this home business is just a stepping stone to another business? Maybe it will help you develop the skills and contacts (and income) you need to branch out in another direction. Maybe your dreams really don’t include a business but your home business allows you to do other things that you do cherish–stay home with your children for example. Finding the things that really do fit with your personal mission and finding a way to keep your dreams alive in your business regardless of whether it is “perfect” or not can make it all worth while.