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Whose Welfare Matters Most (Customers, Clients, Family, Self?)

Sorting and evaluating priorities can be one of the biggest wrestling matches we have to face in our home businesses. It might seem obvious and simple when we first get started—family first, business second; but the fact that we are working from home and the boundaries can get a little confusing can make it tough to figure out whose welfare we are really looking out for at any given moment…

Our customers want to know that we are going to bat for them; our children and families have every right to expect that they will come first; and somewhere in there, we have to look out for our own welfare too. When we work the more traditional job, it can seem obvious how to “leave work at the office” or to identify when we need to let the customer, client or boss know that our sick child comes first. When we have the sick child laying on the couch while we are trying to get work done in our home business, we may feel like we are putting the child first, but we are actually trying to serve two masters (or more.)

Sometimes, this ability to multi-task and try to make everyone feel as though we are looking out for their welfare is one of the greatest things about running a home business. We don’t necessarily have to feel like it is necessary to choose one over the other. Other times, however, this lack of clear choice can make it so that we really are not taking care of anyone well and that our lack of defined priorities is making things messy.

Several months ago, I finally had to make myself a little card or note to put over my desk to remind me that I needed to work harder at being present and giving my attention to who really needs it at any time. This means setting clear boundaries and organizing my priorities as best as I can—but it also means letting the people who really, truly matter know where they stand (and giving them permission to remind me of it.)

Also: Setting Financial Priorities

Your Priorities and Your Family