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Why Am I Here? – Part 1

Have you ever had to live in a place where you would not choose to be? But you are there because of work, or family, circumstances, or perhaps because God directed you there. I’ve been in that position at varying times in my life. God showed some important truths during these times. I admit, I haven’t always been as receptive to learn them as I could have been. But here are some of the things I learned during these times.

‘From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live,’ Acts 17:26. So if you and I are in a specific place, it is because that is where God wants us at present. Of course it may change in the future. Who knows? Only God knows. But for the time being we are exactly where God wants us.

When we accept the fact that we are where God wants us, it makes it easier to then do something else I believe God commands – that is to pray for the community where you live. God challenged me about this when I was living in a place where I did not want to be but which I knew God had brought us to.

In Jeremiah, God told the exiled Jews in Babylon to ‘seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare,’ Jeremiah 29:7. Although this command was given to a specific people at a specific time, I felt at this period in my life that God had sent me into exile, so this then applied to me as well.

I see no reason why it should not apply to each of us and believe God also wants us to do this -to pray for our city or community where we live. Do you pray for your community?

Do you pray for God’s Word to be faithfully taught? Do you pray for people to be open and receptive to the gospel message? Do you pray for opportunities to help in your community and to share the gospel with others? Are you seeking the welfare of the city, town, village, or suburb, where God has placed you?

Join me next time for more thoughts on this topic. And I’d love to hear your experiences and thoughts on this topic.

Acts 17:26 from the New International Version

Jeremiah 29:7 from The New American Standard Version

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