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Why Do We Have Ward Activities?

Do you ever wonder why we have ward activities? Is it just another meeting to drag yourself to? Do you just conveniently forget to go? As I look back at my time growing up, there were ward activities that really stood out to me. I had a lot of fun, with family and friends. They helped to make church fun as well as spiritual.

My favorite activity as a child was the Cub Scout fair that our ward would put on every year. I am pretty sure that it was some sort of fundraiser, so I do not know if they would still do it that way. There was always a hot dog dinner and then a carnival afterwards. We would play games, go fishing for prizes and go on the cake walk. It was always chaotic and loud, but a lot of fun.

Another activity that my ward had annually was the ward lip sync. I believe that we have been asked to discontinue these because of copyright issues with the music. The activities were a lot of fun though. It was fun to see the adults let down and have some fun. They chose all different types of music and would act out all the different songs. Of course the youth participated as well. At the end we would have hot fudge brownie sundaes. Yum!

I remember going to the annual Halloween party at my grandparents’ ward. It was complete with a haunted house. It also had a carnival as well. I remember a lot of my grandparents’ activities since my grandfather would cook for many of them. He was a wonderful cook and cooked pretty elaborate meals for the ward dinners.

The ward activities are a chance to socialize, have fun and build lasting relationships. The people who plan them work hard to make the activities enjoyable. It is important to show your support when you can.

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