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Why Do You Smoke? (And Why Don’t You Quit?)

There are many reasons why people smoke. Let’s look at a few.

  1. Smoking as meal replacement. Nicotine is a proven appetite suppressant, reducing a person’s desire for sweets and carbs. It may also speed up your metabolism.
  2. Some people are wired for addiction. In the case of nicotine, women (and girls) are more likely to become addicted quickly and stay dependant longer. Symptoms of dependence can develop in three weeks or less in girls; the average is more like twenty-six weeks in boys.
  3. The comfort factor. Satisfying that nicotine craving creates feelings of comfort or relaxation. It can be very hard to give that up. If your emotions are out of control, talk to your doctor about an antidepressant to help smooth out your moods while you’re in the process of quitting. Many people have success with this quitting method.
  4. It’s too hard to quit. Experts say that it can take as many as EIGHT attempts before you quit smoking for good.
  5. All your friends are doing it. Social smoking may make you a “casual” smoker, but you are a smoker just the same. Try to avoid the places and situations that trigger your desire to smoke, or satisfy your craving with a piece of gum or a lozenge.
  6. If you quit smoking, you’ll get fat. Look for other activities — instead of eating — when you have a nicotine craving. Vigorous exercise can relieve cravings and increase the time between your next cravings. The endorphins produced by that workout give you a natural high. Talk to your doctor about an appetite suppressant drug if your food cravings are becoming unbearable.
  7. Your cravings are too strong and too frequent. Try a combination of nicotine replacement therapies — use the patch for a slow and steady dose and pop a fast acting lozenge or piece of gum for a craving spike.