I have found the concept of birth order affecting personality fascinating ever since I attended an education seminar on the topic with a fellow teacher. I am an oldest child and she was a youngest. It was interesting as we listened to the speaker outline the traits associated with each birth position how many of the traits we exhibited within our own lives. We also recognized the traits in many of our students.
Why does birth order affect personality?
The reason is because parents aren’t perfect so each child’s environment, largely depending upon their birth order is different. More responsibilities are typically placed upon oldest children. Youngest children usually receive the most freedom and babying. Middle children generally receive less attention and are stuck in the middle of things. Only children often spend a lot of their time with adults.
Does birth order guarantee certain traits?
Birth order doesn’t guarantee your child will exhibit certain characteristics but it does accentuate traits that your child may already possess. For example if a child tends to be responsible and is the oldest child the trait will be developed to a greater extent than if they were the youngest child.
Does birth order affect job choice?
A recent study conducted by Professor Leong of Ohio State University shows that birth order may play a role in the occupations that are chosen as an adult. “One of the strongest findings was the fact that only children and first-born children tended to have more cognitive and analytical interests, while later-borns were more artistic and oriented to the outdoors.”
Dr. Leong says, “Parents typically place different demands and have different expectations of children depending on their birth order. For example, parents may be extremely protective of only children and worry about their physical safety. That may be why only children are more likely to show interest in academic pursuits rather than physical or outdoor activities.
As they have more children, parents tend to become more open and relaxed, and that may allow younger children to be more risk-taking. If the first-born or only child wants to be a poet, that may concern parents. But by the fourth child, parents may not mind as much.”
What else affects my child’s personality?
Parenting techniques and temperament also play a large role in how a child’s personality develops. One study found that 71% of the people who participated exhibited traits associated with their birth order; the other 29% did not. This is because of parenting techniques and the child’s temperament. For more information about temperament read my blog “The 9 Temperamental Traits”.
How much did birth order affect your personality? How much does it affect your children?
Other Blogs on Birth Order
“Parenting Your Oldest Child – What to Expect and Do”.
“Parenting Your Middle Child – What to Expect and Do.”
“Parenting Your Youngest Child – What to Expect and Do.”
“Parenting Your Only Child – What to Expect and Do.”