Enfamil is looking to make over its image and associate itself with breastfeeding by providing moms with an even more ‘pro-breastfeeding’ diaper bag. Really, most of the formula companies do this as well, but Enfamil has taken it a step further according to local hospitals in that it provides the ‘most complete source of breastfeeding and supplementing information.’ Hmmmm. Why exactly does Enfamil support breastfeeding mothers?
A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
I decided to take a look at the newly improved Enfamil breastfeeding support bag. Make no mistake, Enfamil is a formula company. That is how they make money. Women who decide to breastfeed equal lost revenue for them. But if they can corner the market on women who both breastfeed and bottle feed, then they won’t entirely lose their revenue. But does the breastfeeding support bag really support breastfeeding?
Supplementing–Is It Really All That Awful?
My answer to this is yes and no. Studies show that even some formula weaken a baby’s immune system. My own children hardly qualify as a scientific study but I have to say the two children that hardly ever get sick, are the two children who never ever had a supplement of formula. My last three all had the occasional bottle and while I can’t say they’re sick often–they get sick for more frequently than my older two children do.
On the other hand, breastfeeding with some supplementing when necessary, is better than not breastfeeding at all. The problem is how do you know if supplementing is absolutely necessary?
When Supplementing is Necessary
Supplementing a newborn is not generally necessary and I think that’s where the so called breastfeeding support bags do a disservice to women who have given birth. They make it seem like supplementing is a normal part of feeding an infant and that everyone will most likely have to do it.
I don’t believe in guilt. Some of you know that I had to use formula supplements with my last three children. We went on to enjoy a lengthy breastfeeding relationship with each of them–in fact, I am still breastfeeding the twins at 27 months. But supplementing is not a ‘normal’ part of the breastfeeding relationship. If you’re healthy and your baby is healthy–you don’t need to supplement.
The bottom line is that when you get those lovely little diaper bags with all their free goodies, just remember that be it Enfamil, Nestle, or Similac, their goal is to get you to use their product at some point–not to see you breastfeed exclusively.
Related Articles:
Beware the Breastfeeding Support Bag
Should Formula Cans Contain Warning Labels
Let’s Be Honest About Formula vs. Breastmilk