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Why Exercise During Pregnancy

Our bodies were designed to be exercised. Our muscles are meant to be toned and our hormones depend on aerobic movement to stay in balance. Without exercise our metabolisms slow and our immune systems become weakened. Exercise is important and should play a significant role in our daily lives.

The need for exercise does not go away with pregnancy, rather the need is increased. Countless studies have shown the health benefits of exercise for both mother and baby. Exercise relieves and prevents aches and pains that are common during pregnancy, which giving the mother a surge in endorphins giving her a sense of well-being. Furthermore, women who exercise regularly during pregnancy have been documented to have easier pregnancies, recover more quickly from the birth, and to be less likely to experience post-partum depression.

Exercise during pregnancy also has numerous benefits for the baby. With increased blood flow, the baby receives more oxygen which in turn increases the baby’s development. Exercise also strengthens the baby’s circulatory system and causes the baby’s brain and other organs to function optimally. Because of the release of hormones during exercise, which cross the placenta, the baby’s metabolism is increased and the baby also experiences calm and tranquility from the release of endorphins.

Given the numerous evidence available to all inquirers about the need and importance of exercise, most people still find exercising regularly, especially during pregnancy, to be far too difficult. Current statistics show that less then thirty-five percent of adults exercise regularly. The statistics on pregnant women who exercising seem less reliable but suggest that twelve to forty percent of pregnant women partake in some sort of regular exercise.

Exercising regularly is hard. It takes dedication and commitment. The best way to develop devotion to exercise is to first convince oneself of the benefits of exercise to not only one’s quality of life, but also one’s unborn child. This requires research which is literally at one’s finger tips. The next step is to find a total body workout that one can commit to on a regular basis. Whether it be a variety of workout videos, a gym membership, or daily/weekly involvement in some form of athletics, exercise is for everyone, especially pregnant women Finally, one needs to make exercise a life long habit. Exercise should ideally occur before, during, and after pregnancy.

Exercising during pregnancy is not just about the health of the mother, it is also about the health of the baby. Commit to exercising during your pregnancy; do it for yourself, but more importantly do it for your baby!