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Why Go To Church? – Part 2

Have you thought about why you go to church? Do you go with the attitude of ‘what can I get out of it?’ If so, can suggest this is very much a consumer attitude, and not what God intended. Instead we should each be looking at church with a serving attitude, as something we can do to help others in their Christian walk. With that in mind, let me ask you two questions? Do you sit in the same seat at church each week? Do you ever stop to pray about where you should sit?

Pray about where I should sit, ‘I hear you saying. Why on earth would I do that?’

I have to admit the thought had never occurred to me till recently, when our church newsletter included an article titled ‘Ministry of the Seat.’ The article was adapted from an article by Col Marshall, CEO of the Ministry Training Scheme or MTS as it is more commonly known here in Australia. MTS trains and encourages people, giving them practical opportunities to decide if they are cut out for full time ministry. Years ago Col Marshall was told by his pastor at the time, about this idea of praying where to sit. He says it changed his view of going to church.

The reason behind the idea of praying where to sit is church is not somewhere we go to take in each Sunday, (even though in a sense that should also be true.) But somewhere a Christian goes to serve and minister to others. Church is not about just the pastor’s ministry of teaching God’s word to the congregation, or about the musicians’ ministry through music. Church is a time of service for each of us.
Church is one place each of us is called to meet and to use the gifts and abilities God has given us. We are to use them to encourage, strengthen and build up the church. You might not have a specific ministry on Sundays like music, teaching, or bible reading, but we can all have a ministry to the person sitting next to us. Therefore where we sit becomes of paramount importance and definitely should be a matter for prayer. Part of our service for that morning might be talking to the person on the seat next to us, making them feel welcome and accepted, finding out how their week has been and perhaps praying for them. We are each there to help and serve and encourage each other.

Are you looking for opportunities to serve others in your church? Will you make a pact to pray about where God would have you sit each week? And see how God will use you to encourage and be a blessing to others? I’d love to hear what happens when you try this.

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