You know, I really dislike the word “diet.” I just don’t think it has a very appealing sound to it. When I hear the word diet, I tend to think of nothing but restrictions. I think of what I can’t have. Instead of concentrating on what a person can’t have, there should be a focus on what a person can have.
I am done with dieting. I really am. I have tried some crazy stuff. Well, it was crazy at least to me. There was one diet where the main idea was that you drank a certain amount of water and you stopped eating at your exact point of hunger. It was kind of strange how you had to figure out that very moment in time when your stomach was saying, “I’m done.” Nice idea, don’t get me wrong. But it didn’t work for me.
Then there was another diet where you cut out all sugar, bread and caffeine. Honestly I can’t even remember everything you eliminated. There was so much you had to eliminate from your diet that it was easier to determine what you could have. Believe me, it wasn’t much. I can still remember the horrible headaches I got from that diet. It left me feeling miserable and very crabby.
I want to develop healthier habits of eating where I can focus on what I can have. Sometimes it’s really all just psychological. If I say, “I’m on a diet” it feels negative. But if I say, “I’m eating healthier” it sounds so much more positive and doable.
I really think we need to get rid word of the diet. No more diet fads. Just make the decision to eat healthier. I think we should concentrate on the things we can have and just use some plain old commonsense. Instead of saying, “I can’t have a donut” say, “I can have some strawberries.” It might all be in the mind but I really do think it works better.
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