Normally I try to stay away from retail stores. Spending money is spending money. Don’t get me started on Target. While there are plenty of great deals and bargains at Target, it is also too easy for me to pick up extra things and spend.
Still, I think I am going to make an exception for Ikea. At least with this store, much of the merchandise is oversized, so there is only so much that you can take home with you, right? Yesterday, my family and I took a trip to our local Ikea, and I think I am hooked.
Okay, first the reason for the trip. We have been getting by in the house with minimal furniture. However, there has been a sort of crisis brewing. Our oldest son came home with his report card, and once again we got the note that he needs to work on his organization. That is no surprise to us, since his room is constantly in a state of chaos. At the end of our tolerance, we realized two things: we needed to get him a real desk with some drawers and something to organize his homework folders, and two we needed to get him a new system for organizing his toys, especially his Legos.
The desk was the highest priority, since he needed a quiet place to be able to do his homework away from his younger brother and sister, and a way to keep his homework away from random crayon scribbles by the above mentioned siblings.
Looking online and in catalogues, the most inexpensive solutions for a desk seem to be at Ikea. Everything is modular, so we can buy only as much as we needed and no more. We could get something basic and add on features that we thought we needed. There were different price points and finishes, too, so we knew we didn’t have to spend too much.
So that was one reason that I really like Ikea. Of course, our adventure is far from over, so check back tomorrow when I tell you what we found and the discounts we got!
You can read more blog posts by Mary Ann Romans here!
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