Back in my school days, a peanut butter sandwich was my least favorite lunch. I just didn’t appreciate it! But these days, I love peanut butter — and here’s why.
- Peanut butter is full of protein — around eight grams of protein per serving. That helps you feel fuller longer.
- Peanut butter has fiber — around two grams of fiber per serving. Fiber helps your body run smoothly.
- Peanut butter has vitamin E — an antioxidant that helps clean free radicals out of your body.
- Peanut butter has magnesium — a mineral that helps build bones and may be key in preventing migraines.
- Peanut butter has potassium — a mineral your body uses in building muscles.
- Peanut butter has vitamin B6 — a vitamin that helps boost your immune system.
- Peanut butter is full of “good” fats — monounsaturated fat. That’s a fat that’s good for your heart! So don’t bother with the reduced fat kind of peanut butter — you get more sugar to make up for the missing fat. And don’t skim the oil off the top of your natural peanut butter — mix it in! That’s the good fat your body needs.
Want to buy the best possible peanut butter out there? Most brands have similar fat and calorie counts. Look at the sodium and sugar levels to find the best choice. Organic peanut butter tends to have less sodium than other brands. And too much salt can mask that delicious peanut flavor! Sodium levels can range anywhere from 40 milligrams to 250 milligrams per serving.
In the sugar department, you may find that natural brands have less sugar — only one or two grams of sugar as opposed to twice as much for commercial brands. An unsweetened brand will have delicious peanut flavor and you can get your sweetness from the jelly or honey in your sandwich.