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Why I Wouldn’t Want to Marry a Prince

I am officially over it and it hasn’t even taken place yet. Of course I’m talking about the royal wedding, which I am doing my level best to ignore. But it is not easy. TV stations here are obsessed with it. I have no doubt the magazine market is too but since I don’t buy magazines and haven’t been near a supermarket or shop in over ten days, I wouldn’t know. It seems to me though that marrying a prince would be awful. Why? I’ll tell you.

Firstly you’d live your whole life in the public eye with everyone watching what you do and when and where. I could think of nothing worse. I know I share certain amount of Mick’s and my married life with you online, but I have a choice of what to share and what not too. It seems royalty doesn’t get much of a choice. The media is all over them wherever they go, whatever they do. How frustrating that would be. Some parts of a marriage are meant to be private.

You wonder if a prince would also be brought up to believe his rights and wishes are more important than anyone else’s simply because he is a prince. Marriage is a partnership and no one person’s rights and wishes should dominate. Love and marriage is a game of give and take. That means things are shared, not one person does all the giving and the other all the taking.
Princes and their families have certain expectations, duties, obligations and rituals they must perform or attend to. The average person might have some of those with work and family commitments, but I doubt they would be to the same extent.

No, as for marrying a prince you can keep it. And anyway, I married my prince years ago. He may not be a prince in the world’s eyes and thank goodness for that, but he is in mine. What’s more he doesn’t have all the negative hang ups I just mentioned.

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