In a previous article, Courtney asked the question of which represented you as a couple, Christmas letter, cards, or pictures.
I think that this is a very good question to ask. However, in my experience I have noticed a trend about Christmas pictures. Very few picture cards that I receive display couples. Most all Christmas pictures are of pets or children,
I have a couple of married friends who have no children. Their cards never have pictures in them. However, my friends who do have children all send picture cards. The cards display pictures of their children. Every now and then I will receive a card that features a picture of the entire family. However, as a general rule, the pictures are children only.
I think that are several reasons why couples without children normally do not send out Christmas picture cards. First most women usually do not think that pictures of them are good. Even good pictures of you in your own eyes are usually bad. Therefore, I cannot blame the wife for not wanting to send out pictures of herself to all of her friends and family. It would have to be a really good picture for me to do so.
In addition most men do not like to go through the whole getting their picture made process. Getting them dressed up and to a photographer can be a chore. Therefore, it is simply easier not to send one.
However when cute pets or children are involved, everyone wants to show them off. Therefore the pictures are usually printed by the hundreds. Most couples had rather show off pets and children than themselves.
Every now and then a family picture can be snuck into the holidays. Sending a picture of the entire family is a good idea. It displays your unity. Sending a picture of you as a couple can also show you love and commitment during the holiday season.