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Why My Husband Didn’t Force Me to Go to the ER

Yesterday I shared why Wayne almost forced me to go to the hospital on Saturday morning. Later in the weekend, he told me what a conundrum he’d been in.

As he held me while I bawled because I was alternating between coughing so hard and gasping for breath that I almost passed out, he debated whether he should just sling me over his shoulder, haul me downstairs, toss me in his truck and drive me to the ER.

Instead he opted for the bargaining approach. (He feared I’d jump out of the car and get myself killed in traffic if he didn’t get me settled down before putting me in a car.)

“Tell you what. Let’s call the Ask-A-Nurse and see what she says. Maybe if you know what to expect when we go that will help.”

Anything to buy time sounded good to me so I agreed.

Good thing I did. It saved me a trip to the ER.

The nurse asked me a bunch of questions, among them if I’d experienced chest pains or a heavy chest. After telling her what meds I’m taking for my asthma, that I’m not coughing up anything, and when I threw up it was clear, she recommended I hold off on the doctor for three more days. If my cough isn’t better or gets worse, to go in then.

Also, my Albuterol, combined with not exercising because it makes me cough, could be contributing to my higher blood pressure, which isn’t all that high. If it doesn’t come down in six months after I’ve gotten back to my normal exercise regime, then I should ask my doctor to check that out.

And as for the chest pains, since I hadn’t had a fever it was likely strained muscles from overexerting during coughing. But she did tell me to monitor that and to definitely get to an ER if those symptoms got worse or lasted after my cough was gone.

As for helping myself now, she said drinking warm fluids sometimes helps quiet coughing spells. A cool mist humidifier might also help me sleep better at night, as well as elevating my head. Also, to avoid milk products.

“Uh oh. I was doing that in the beginning, but in the last couple of days I’ve been eating cereal and drinking hot chocolates,” I confessed.

“Yeah, you don’t want to do that. It could be why your cough’s been back stronger.”

Hey, I like milk, but if it meant dodging a trip to the doctor I was all for that. And drinking hot tea or hot water with lemon also sounded like a heck of a better alternative than a needle.

“Okay, so you lucked out this time, but I’m putting you on notice. I WILL forcibly take you to a hospital if I ever feel you really need it and your health is in jeopardy. And I’ll be there holding your hand if any needles are involved. Or getting you to a bathroom once your symptoms set in. Because I love you, babe, and if it means keeping you around or losing you, I’ll get you help every time.”

It was the right thing to say, and very sweet, but I’m hoping he’ll never have to make good on his threat.

Courtney Mroch writes about animals great and small in Pets and the harmony and strife that encompasses married life in Marriage. For a full listing of her articles click here.

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