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Why Read to Your Child?

It is amazingly sad how many children today are deprived of learning the wonderful gift of nursery rhymes and fairy tales. As a child, I can remember my mother sitting and telling of Jack and the Beanstalk, Peter Rabbit, and The Three Little Pigs. We also recited Jack and Jill, Jack Be Nimble, Hickory Dickory Dock and Little Bo Peep.

As a kindergarten teacher, I meet many children that are completely amazed at nursery rhymes and fairy tales. They have never been introduced to them. Besides being a wonderful teacher of rhyming words, nursery rhymes are fun and enjoyed by most every child. Fairy tales spark imagination and interest in young children.

It is very important to read with your child. Reading to your child creates an enthusiasm for books. When you read books aloud to your child, you encourage your child to love books. Your child hears and sees you reading and he/she also grows a desire to read. Most children who are read to are eager and excited about learning to read by the time that they reach five years old.

Reading to your child also introduces him/her to new experiences and ideas about life. Children can visit new places and meet new people in their minds. Connecting with characters from books can also help children deal with emotions and fears. Children can relate their life to the characters in the book.

When reading to your child, you are expanding his/her vocabulary and language. Children learn new words and meanings through the text. They can hear and experience words that they might not encounter in everyday life.

Reading to your child also creates a strong bond between parent and child. Reading can be a special time for children. They become excited about the time shared with their parents and create memories that can last a lifetime.

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